Monday, August 27, 2012

Does Acai Berry Really Work?

Acai is one of the hottest products in the health and nutrition industry, and it is very difficult to go through a day where you do not see an ad online for one of many Acai products on the market. These ads promise amazing health benefits from the Acai fruit such as; anti-aging, cancer prevention, a boost of energy, and mood improvement. If true this would make Acai an amazing fruit...but is it too good to be true?
Being a long time Acai user I can emphatically say "YES!" Acai juice has made a dramatic difference in my life. It's the first thing I have to drink every morning and it gives me enough energy to accomplish all of my goals each day.
I used to be a huge Redbull drinker, but always hated the inevitable crash I would get just a few hours after drinking one. When you drink Acai berry juice you get that same boost of energy without the caffeine crash.
Since I prefer to get my vitamins from as many natural sources as possible, I consider the Acai berry my natural multivitamin. It contains high levels of essential fatty acids, is rich in amino acids (19 amino acids to be exact), and is a good source for vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E. On top of that it is a great source of fiber and contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, and zinc.
The high antioxidant content helps fight off cancer cells and helps you grow stronger, healthier, hair and will give you smooth, glowing, skin. The Acai berry also helps boost your immune system so you will get sick with the common cold and flu less often.
So, if you are asking "Does Acai berry really work?" the answer is a resounding "YES". The one thing you must watch out for is the free trial offers of Acai berry pills that are going around. These are scams that are selling you very low quality Acai powder, while charging you $88 each month.

Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Lose 4 Lbs a Month

1. take a deep breath! This will take patience!

2. You are probably eating way more calories a day than you should!! So, all you have to do is cut back.

3. Do not think of it as a diet!! This will fail you! Think of it as a Lifestyle change. You have changed your eating habits.

4. All you have to do is count your calorie intake for the day. Use websites such as to find out your healthy weight and height measurements. I am 5'2 and 145 lbs, so therefor my body needs about 1500 calories a day to lose weight, however, i go beyond those limits. I do not eat anymore than 1200 a day to be safe.

5. You can never count on food labels, so use your digital scale. Read labels. Each label tells you that there are a certain amount of calories in EACH SERVING, but if you don't measure out the meal, then you will not know how many servings are in each container.

6. For Example. A healthy tv dinner says each serving is 320 calories. One serving is 255 grams. well, when you weigh it out the scales tops off at 275. Each gram is 1.25 calories a piece, so if your meal is 275 calories, then your meal is really 345 calories. That's 25 more CALORIES that you did not plan on. THIS ADDS UP!

7. Speaking of adding. WRITE everything down. This will show you your progress.

8. Plan your meals. If you already know when you are going to eat next, then it wont have you thinking about your next meal as much. You already know. There are a million great tasting foods out there that is low in calories.

9. Eat every 3 hours. If you eat every 3 hours your body does not have time to stop digesting your food. This will maintain your metabolism. This is great for people who are not active.

10. Buy a calorie counter. These are $20 at any wal-mart or department store. This will gauge about how much you burn just by walking everyday. Walking to your car, walking to your house, to the fax machine all the way upstairs. If you see your progress it will encourage you.

11. By now, if you count and weigh all of your food. Weigh yourself every other day, in the morning at the same time, NAKED. You will start to see at least a 1 lbs a week coming off.

12. About 8-10 lbs later you will plateau. You will then need to change your calorie intake. Do something different to your eating habits. I recommend one cheat day a week. Eat whatever you want. Starbucks, Mcdonalds, honey buns...anything you want. This will give you something to look forward too!!!

13. Remember, Weigh yourself, write your calories down, count everything!!! I have lost about 33 lbs doing this. Follow all of these steps and you will lose weight. It wont be automatic, but you will feel better and feel good about yourself. Its so easy!!!

14. Being skinny is what everyone wants!! Keep that in mind! You are doing something that most people aren't. You took the first step by reading this article!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Compare NutriSystem With the South Beach Diet

Nutrisystem is a diet plan that uses a healthy balance of good carbohydrates, proteins and fats so you can eat a variety of foods and lose weight. The South Beach diet, a plan created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston, restricts carbohydrates, bans unhealthy fats and suggests healthy ones. Comparing the two plans can help you to make an informed decision on the best particular plan for your lifestyle.

The NutriSystem Plan

1. Choose the NutriSystem plan for ease. Meals are prepared for you and shipped to your door, and the plan includes free online or phone counseling to help you reach your goals. There are programs designed for men and women of all ages and for vegetarians and Type II diabetics.

2. Look at the rules of the plan. With NutriSystem, all prepared meals offer the correct calories and nutrients. You add fresh fruits and vegetables and don't have to think about the rest of the preparation.

3. Compare the work involved. Everything is already done for you with NutriSystem so there is almost no work involved except making sure you stick with the plan.

4. Check the cost of the plan. NutriSystem charges for meals and snacks and shipping, but it often offers discounts and free meals for signing up. You can also save by signing up for the Auto Ship plan.

5. See the results. NutriSystem allows you to follow plans losing less than or more than 10 lb. You can lose a lot initially, but you can expect to lose 1 to 2 lb. per week if you follow the program exactly.

6. Weigh the risks. Participants may gain weight back after going off this program since they don't learn how to prepare healthy foods themselves.

South Beach Diet Plan

1. Choose the South Beach Diet Plan if you don't want to completely cut out food groups and want a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix.

2. Look at the rules of the plan. The South Beach diet plan doesn't count carbs, but looks at how much sugar is in each carb, choosing those with a low glycemic index. The plan works in 3 phases with the first phase being the most restrictive, taking away all carbs. The second phase reintroduces the carbs in moderation and lasts until you hit your target weight. The third phase allows you to continue to eat normal foods in normal portions following the guidelines for life.

3. Compare the work involved. Instead of counting calories or maintaining strict portion sizes, you eat normal portions and snack strategically throughout the day, using suggested recipes and food combinations for the various phases.

4. Check the cost of the plan. There is no sign-up fee or meal cost. You buy the book and companion guide and visit the website for information. Then you buy and prepare the food yourself.

5. See the results. Weight loss may be dramatic in phase I of the South Beach Diet plan, and then continues at 1 to 2 lb. per week until you hit your weight loss goal. Staying on the plan for life means you keep your target weight and adjust as necessary with the tools provided.

6. Weigh the risks. Much of the weight lost in the induction phase is water weight, which can throw off your balance of electrolytes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Nutrient You Need Most

It's the least expensive item in your diet. It requires no preparation whatsoever. It can even be consumed without soiling any dishes. But most people do not get enough of it. What is it? It is water. The majority of us are dehydrated most of the time and don't even realize it.
Even mild dehydration inflicts stress upon our bodies. Plus it can trigger many unpleasant health problems such as kidney problems, weight gain, fatigue, and headaches.
The thirst mechanism in adults does not work as well as in children. Once we turn twenty-one, we do not perceive thirst as well as we did at twelve. Sometimes we even confuse thirst with hunger and eat when we should be drinking water. This, of course, results in unnecessary weight gain.
And drinking more water will bring about some weight loss without doing anything else. When you are dehydrated, you do not burn calories as fast as you could, and your metabolism is sluggish. Drinking more water helps your body burn stored fat.
In addition, drinking more water prevents fatigue. Dehydration slows down your circulation and causes a drop in blood pressure. This leads to fatigue.
Water is also good for your joints. Your joints' lubricating fluid is made up primarily of water. Water is also present in the soft discs in your spine as well as in the cartilage at the end of your bones. When you keep the joints, cartilage and discs well hydrated they do a better job of absorbing shock. Well-lubricated bones slip smoothly over one another without friction. This prevents joint and back pain.
And some of the grogginess you experience in the morning is due to lack of water. You are much better off to reach for a glass of water than a cup of coffee. Your brain is 4/5ths water. When the water levels drop in your body, it affects such tasks as processing information in your short-term memory and focusing on your work at hand. Your brain cells can't perform as efficiently if water levels are lowered even by a small amount.
Water can also prevent some diseases because it carries toxins away from your body.
Although for many years, nutritionists, researchers and doctors have recommended that people drink eight 8 ounce glasses or sixty-four ounces of water a day, scientists have now found that doesn't work for everyone.
The amount of water that you need to drink depends on your weight, your activity level and the weather. You need more water in hot weather because you perspire more. Active people also perspire more than sedentary people. So the new recommendations are that people drink half of their body weight in ounces. In other words, if a person weighs a hundred and fifty pounds, then they should drink seventy-five ounces of water a day. If it is unusually hot or they are very active, they would need more.
Milk, juice and caffeine-free teas count as part of your daily water quota. Caffeinated beverages do not as they are diuretics and increase the output of water from your body. Neither should alcoholic drinks be included in your daily liquid intake.
When determining the amount of water you drink, pay attention to the size of your glasses. Some glasses hold twelve ounces while others only hold six.
Sometimes we skimp on water because it is not conveniently available. Form the habit of carrying it with you, in the car or in your briefcase. That way you will always have something to sip on.
And even if it is a little extra trouble, your body will thank you.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Never Age Again With Resveratrol in 3 Simple Steps

Resveratrol is one of the hottest health products on the market right now and for good reason. Among its many other health benefits, resveratrol is able to produce anti-aging effects which is one of the main reasons why it is so popular right now. Just about anyone can harness the power of resveratrol in order to slow down the aging process. In fact, all it takes is 3 easy steps.
Keep on reading to find out exactly how you can start looking younger in just 3 simple steps.
Slow It Down By Keeping It Simple
Looking younger and slowing down the aging process really isn't difficult at all if you know what you are doing when it comes to using resveratrol supplements. And fortunately for you, I am going to tell you exactly what you need to know in order to do so. Look below for 3 easy steps to never looking a day older...
1) The first thing you will need to do is to do some research on resveratrol products. Doesn't seem appealing? Don't worry, it is possible to get all of the important information you need from an in depth guide. A resveratrol guide will save you dozens of hours and a whole lot of money.
2) Select a quality resveratrol product. Now, this isn't going to be easy if you don't have access to a guide. If that is the case then you are going to have to do some research on your own.
3) Buy a resveratrol supplement and begin taking the recommended dosage. This last step is self explanatory. It is dead simple and incredibly easy to do if you have been using a guide along the way.
If these 3 steps seem overly simple it is because they are. This is really all it takes in order to start the anti-aging process by using resveratrol. If you follow these steps and use a guide along the way then you will be good to go.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

High Blood Pressure? Natural Alternatives Can Help!

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a dangerous condition that can lead= to stroke, enlarged heart, congestive heart failure, kidney and eye damage, atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries, and premature death.
According to a recent report released in The New England Journal of Medicine of 16,000 adults surveyed over the age of 24, nearly 30 percent had blood pressure of at least 140/90 and more than one-third of them were unaware of their condition.
Blood pressure refers to the force of the bloodstream against the walls of the arteries as they deliver blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Normal, healthy blood pressure ranges from about 110/80 to as high as 140/90. The higher number refers to systolic pressure, which is the hearts contractions. The second number, the diastolic pressure, measures the rests between heartbeats. Here are the categories to consider when evaluating blood pressure:
  • Normal - Less than 140/90
  • Borderline - 141/91 to 159/94
  • High - 160/95 or more
What Causes High Blood Pressure?
Although there are still questions about the roots of essential hypertension, many researchers name two culprits: The typical American diet and lifestyle factors. Following are 9 major factors that can contribute to this potentially deadly condition:
1. High-fat, high-sodium diet . . . Interestingly, vegetarians who normally eat a low-fat, low-sodium diet have a profoundly lower incidence of hypertension than non-vegetarians.
2. Fat imbalance . . . Too much saturated fat in the diet. We need more essential fatty acids to help clear the system of fat solids.
3. Nutritional deficiencies . . . People whose diets are low in potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin C are at greater risk of hypertension.
4. Obesity . . . High blood pressure is almost six times more common among overweight people ages 20 to 44, and twice as common in those 45 to 74
5. Smoking . . . Chronic smoking decreases blood flow to the brain, increasing the risk of stroke.
6. Alcohol . . . Heavy drinking is another indicator of high blood pressure.
7. Stress . . . In many instances, stress can be the major factor causing high blood pressure.
8. Atherosclerosis . . . A buildup of fatty deposits can narrow the blood vessels, leading to a rise in blood pressure. The increased resistance means the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the body, placing it under strain.
9. High sugar intake . . . People who had more sugar in their diet had markedly increased blood pressure.
Anti-Hypertensive Diet Guidelines
The following recommendations can help you keep your blood pressure at healthier levels:
  • Follow a low-fat diet.
  • Increase your intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium.
  • Reduce your intake of salt.
  • Restrict your consumption of refined sugars.
  • Exercise more often. Since excess body fat is a primary risk factor in hypertension, it is critical to maintain a healthy weight. The importance of regular exercise cannot be over-emphasized.
Essential Nutrient Intake
What you eat has a powerful influence on your blood pressure as well as almost every other aspect of your health.
For most people, the sodium/potassium ratio is more significant than sodium alone. We should be consuming about five times more potassium than sodium (5:1), but the typical American diet includes half as much potassiumas sodium (1:2).
By eating more POTASSIUM-rich foods, you can reverse the ratio and promote healthy blood pressure. Foods such as bananas, oranges, tangerines, beans, dried peas, and potatoes provide a wealth of natural potassium.
MAGNESIUM is another vital nutrient for blood pressure. It is believed that magnesium activates the bodys cellular membrane pump, which pumps sodium out and potassium into the cells. Some clinical trials have shown that magnesium supplementation reduces blood pressure. Magnesium- rich foods include nuts (especially almonds, cashews, and pecans), rice, bananas, potatoes, wheat germ, kidney and lima beans, peas, soy products, molasses, oat, bran, and fish.
CALCIUM is important. People with high blood pressure are advised to increase Calcium intake and to eat more calcium-rich foods such as nuts, salmon, sardines, low-fat dairy foods, watercress, kale, broccoli, turnip greens, collard greens, and mustard greens.
Here is a list of other nutritional supplements that can help prevent high blood pressure:
  • HAWTHORNE is an herb that has been shown to widen blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries.
  • CAYENNE reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, which can lead to hypertension.
  • VALERIAN has sedative activity, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure.
  • VITAMIN C supplementation has exerted a valuable blood-pressure-lowering effect in people by promoting the excretion of lead, which is linked to hypertension.
  • COQ10 shows promise for hypertensives. Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that naturally occurs in our bodies and can be supplemented to assure adequate daily intake.
  • GARLIC helps reduce cholesterol as well as blood pressure.
Summary . . . The consequences of untreated high blood pressure are too serious to go untreated. By making smart choices about the foods you eat, the intake of beneficial nutritional factors and your exercise regimen, you can help control your own blood pressure.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Low Carbohydrate Diet Burn Fat

How Does a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Burn Fat?

In the early 1990s, nutrition and diet went through a "you are what you eat" period in the media. "Fat breeds fat!" they told us simply. We were encouraged to eat without abandon; as long as, it wasn't a lipid. Simple and complex carbohydrates were deemed safe for the pound conscious. The problem was, with all of the talk about eliminating fat, dieters were getting fatter. Researchers have since discovered that the formula isn't so simple. Body fat doesn't just come from our fat intake but is based on other factors such as our overall caloric intake and our insulin levels. As a result, our relationship with carbs, once again, came into question. We wondered if our breads and our baked potatoes and pasta were actually betraying us. Nutrition authors and physicians were now promoting a low-carbohydrate diet as a way to burn fat.

Processing Glucose

Carbohydrates, scientifically named saccharides, are starch and sugar substances. They are also found in plant form as cellulose. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (the sugar in fruits, bread, pasta and refined-sugar products) and complex (those found in veggies and brown rice). They are used in our diet to give us energy and are a fundamentally positive source of nutrition. However, there exists two factors which cause fat gain. The first is that carbohydrates tend to be higher in calories and the second is the way in which our bodies process them. Once simple and complex carbs reach our liver and are turned into glucose, our pancreas begins to produce insulin to absorb the carbohydrates. When this happens, our bodies stop burning fat for energy and start burning glucose: thus, ending the fat-burning process.

Limiting Glucose

A low-carb diet entails limiting the amount of carbohydrates of any kind to less than 30 grams per day. With this low level of sugars, less insulin is produced and less glucose is available to burn for energy. With its source of fuel diminished, the body will enter a phase called ketosis. Meaning, it will begin to produce ketones which burn stored-body fat. The jury is still out when it comes to the total overall healthfulness of a diet that condones fat and restricts carbohydrates at an extreme level. A healthy diet consists of many elements. Body fat is most certainly one of these elements but there is also heart health, muscular composition and digestive condition to consider. With that said, dieters concerned solely with the burning of fat may find that a low-carb diet can be ultimately successful.

Monday, August 13, 2012

25 Health Benefits of Cinnamon - A Miraculous Spice

Cinnamon is one of the world's oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health. It contains unique healthy and healing property comes from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant activity due to which it has numerous health benefits. Aside from being used as a medicine by other cultures since ancient times, the health benefits may also come from eating it which can be listed as follows:
1. Lowers Cholesterol:
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol.
Also Cinnamon may significantly lower LDL "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol.
2. Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes:
Several studies have shown improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control by taking as little as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day. Improving insulin resistance can help in weight control as well as decreasing the risk for heart disease.
3. Heart Disease:
Cinnamon strengthens the cardiovascular system thereby shielding the body from heart related disorders. It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provides protection against heart diseases.
Including a little cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.
4. Fights Cancer :
A study released by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
Besides, the combination of calcium and fiber found in Cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells, thus prevents colon cancer.
5. Tooth decay and mouth freshener:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. Small pieces of cinnamon can be chewed, or gargled with cinnamon water which serves as a good mouth freshener.
6. Cures Respiratory Problems:
Cinnamon is very useful home remedy for common or severe colds. A person suffering should take one tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
Cinnamon also found to cure flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.
7. Brain Tonic:
Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss.
Also, studies have shown that smelling cinnamon may boost cognitive function, memory, performance of certain tasks and increases one's alertness and concentration.
8. Infections:
Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties, it is effective on external as well as internal infections. Cinnamon has been found to be effective in fighting vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and head lice.
9. Eases menstruation cycles:
Cinnamon has also been found useful for women's health as it helps in providing relief from menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.
10. Birth Control:
Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.
11. Breastfeeding:
It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.
12. Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Cinnamon spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can be useful in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
A study conducted at Copenhagen University, where patients were given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month
13. Digestive Tonic:
Cinnamon should be added to most recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. It is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is often referred to as a digestive tonic.
14. Reduces Urinary tract infections:
People who eat cinnamon on a regular basis report a lower incidence of urinary tract infections. Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine.
15. Anti clotting Actions:
A compound found in Cinnamon called as cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. [Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make the blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much]. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets.
16. Natural Food Preserver:
When added to food, it prevents bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
17. Headaches and migraine:
Headache due to the exposure to cold wind is readily cured by applying a thin paste of powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples & forehead.
18. Pimples and Blackheads:
Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.
Also external application of paste of cinnamon powder with a few drops of fresh lemon juice over pimples & black heads would give beneficial result.
19. Thinning of the blood and improves blood circulation:
Cinnamon is a blood thinning agent which also acts to increase circulation. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body cells leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.
20. Toning of tissues:
Considerable anecdotal evidence exists to suggest that cinnamon may have the ability to tone and constrict tissues in the body.
21. Muscle and joint pain relief:
Those who eat cinnamon on a regular basis often report that their muscle and joint pain, as well as stiffness, is reduced or even eliminated.
22. Immune System:
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system, removing regular fatigue and increasing the longevity of an individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties.
23. Itching:
Paste of honey and cinnamon is often used to treat insect bites.
24. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
25. Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the healing process.
Indeed, cinnamon has several health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve one's health and boost one's immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon around. Sprinkle it in your tea or coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato and, this will do wonders to your health.
[However, there's a word of warning to be taken that over dosage of cinnamon may be unwise. Also it is not recommended for pregnant women.
Also, people who have been prescribed medication to manage their blood sugar should not reduce or discontinue their dose and take cinnamon instead, especially without consulting your doctor.]

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Turning an Addictive Snack into a Complete Meal

The proliferation of fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and vending machines in virtually every corner of residential America has created a serious nutritional problem. “Snacking” – a harmless-sounding verb that deceptively implies something unobjectionable – has reached addictive proportions.
The manifestation of this addiction goes beyond mere obesity something that is widely considered to be a severe public health crisis. Even among non-obese Americans, researchers are identifying a wave of general malnutrition that is sweeping across the country due to addictive snacking habits.
This addiction to snacking is enhanced, ironically, by the rather confusing range of so-called diet-friendly foods on the market. Some foods that are dubbed “lo-carb” diet-foods are actually causing weight gain among some dieters. In fact, some “lo-carb” labeled foods are comprised of little more than unhealthy saturated fats and even worse, they have an incredibly high calorie count.
Furthermore, many self-professed “lo-carb” foods are dangerously devoid of essential proteins and vitamins. The resulting nutritional shortage often compels dieters – even subconsciously -- to crave stimulating foods of all kinds. These cravings often include what is closest at hand: snacks and other nutritionally bankrupt junk foods.
Snacking is indeed a problem that America must begin resolving within the first few years of this 21 century. A real, practical, tangible solution is required now more than ever before, because education and awareness are not enough.
This does not imply that education and awareness aren’t vital allies in the fight against snacking and unhealthy eating. Education and awareness have played an important role thus far, and have helped create a number of healthier eating options. Indeed, the “lighter fare” choices in restaurants, and the occasional granola bar in a vending machine that is otherwise loaded with chocolate bars, are worthy gains that education and awareness have inspired. Yet education and awareness are, in and of themselves, evidently not halting this epidemic addiction to snacking quickly enough.
Adding to the problem is that so many of these junk food products are packaged in a way that implies some semblance of nutritional value. Terms like “on the go” or “instant meal” or “for busy lifestyles” adorn many packages for foods that are virtually nothing more than glorified snack foods foods that are absolutely not providing the vitamins and proteins that a healthy diet requires.
Therefore, a new approach to solving this problem is required one that stems from the momentum gained by awareness and education, but delivers a real, tangible product in the hands of Americans who want to regain control over what makes them move.
Attempts have been made, especially in the last decade, to provide Americans with this tangible solution. Nutritional energy bars now line the counter shelves of many convenience stores, and instead of energy infusion via a chocolate bar, more people are opting for these seemingly “healthier”. This is a positive step but it is not enough.
Products such as these mentioned above, while somewhat better than candy bars, are not rich in essential proteins or fortified by essential vitamins. So while ”snackers” are better off after eating one of these nutritional bars than they would be if they consumed a bag of potato chips, they are not as well off as they think they are or that the nutritional bar packaging implies that they will be. These snackers still face a shortage of protein and essential vitamins a shortage that is not going to be filled unless additional nutrition is provided.
It is within this paradigm – the search for a complete “tangible” nutrition source that is rich in protein and essential vitamins – that forward-thinking companies are engineering smarter products. These nutritionally advanced solutions are carbohydrate-free, fat-free, and low calorie complete meal sources for snackers of all types, including those that are dieting.
There are, admittedly, only a very small number of companies and products that are delivering nutritionally intelligent products into the hands of snackers. However, the fact that these progressive companies – and their innovative products – exist is a positive sign, and one that just may eventually be the turning point in America’s war against poor eating habits.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

best abs workout

Air Bike

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: BodyOnly
Mechanics Type: Compound

Tips: Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicular and your lower legs are just above parallel to the floor. Curl up and bring your left elbow toward your right side while drawing your right knee in to meet it. It is like you are riding a bike. Alternate sides, continuing the motion back and forth. Remember, don't just flap your elbow across your body, actually rotate your shoulder across and squeeze your abs.


Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: BodyOnly
Mechanics Type: Compound

Tips: Begin a pushup position but with your elbows on the ground and resting on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at a 90 degree angle. Arch your back slightly out rather than keeping your back completely straight. Raise your glutes toward the ceiling, squeezing your abs tightly to close the distance between your ribcage and hips so you end up in a high bridge position. Lower back down slowly to your starting position. Repeat. Don't let your back sag downwards.

Crunch - Hands Overhead

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: BodyOnly
Mechanics Type: Isolation

Tips: This variation makes it tougher than regular crunches. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Stretch your arms overhead and cross your palms. Curl your upper body forward and bring your shoulder blades just off the floor. Keep your arms aligned with your head, neck and shoulder. Don't move them forward from that position! Slowly lower down after squeezing your abs tight!

Dumbbell Side Bend

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Dumbbell
Mechanics Type: Isolation

Tips: Works the obliques. Stand straight up with your feet at shoulder width. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your palms in. Place your left hand on your waist. Keep your back straight. Bend to the right as far as you can, then bend to the left as far as possible. After finishing your desired reps, change the weight to your other hand and repeat. Bend at your waist only, not at your hips or knees! Can also be done with a barbell on your shoulders.

Hanging Knee Raise To The Side

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: BodyOnly
Mechanics Type: Compound

Tips: Works the obliques and lower abs. Hang from a pull-up bar with your legs and feet together. Slowly lift your knees to one side as high as you can. Do this by curling your spine from the bottom up, not simply lifting your knees. Squeeze your lower abs and obliques at the to of the movement, then slowly lower. Repeat and alternate sides. Do not SWING your legs up.

For more information about ab workouts,
Click Here!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Healthy Eating Slogans - Seeing Through the Hype

Healthy eating has become the ideal standard to meet. Both for you and those that want you to buy their products.
The public wants to eat healthy. Manufacturers are aware of this. So an effective advertising campaign would have their product aligned with healthy eating.
Let's take a look at some of the slogans.
10 Healthy Eating Slogans Deciphered
1. Made with 100% fruit juice
Fruit juice is healthy, so this slogan can be tricky. The statement says 'made with', which basically means it contains 100% fruit juice. This statement is not claiming to be '100 percent fruit juice'. So would 1 tablespoon of fruit juice still make this a truthful statement.
Yes. But, this product would have other ingredients like water and sugar and more accurately would be called a 'drink'.
2. Made without preservatives
I heard this pitch on a Coca Cola commercial. I had to laugh out loud. Surely, we're not to believe soda pop is healthy.
Soft drinks are made with phosphoric acid. This highly acidic base means that preservatives aren't needed.
The acidic base also causes a physiological response. The body will do its best to maintain a pH balance. So the acid must be neutralized.
Just because a product has no preservatives does not warrant a healthy eating 'crown'.
3. No artificial colors or flavors
This is good. Just make sure that this isn't the only good thing you can say about the product.
An example of this would be flour. Here the color is stripped to give the white color. Also lost are nutrients and fiber.
4. No trans fat
At first glance this looks good. But check the label to be sure that hydrogenated oil was not used.
Trans fat is a by product of the hydrogenation process. To remove it does not then make the oil healthy. It is just not quite as harmful.
5. No sugar added
Please, when you see this on a label, look further. Fruit juice can be used to sweeten. But, you don't want artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup.
6. Flavor enhanced
Ok. So what was used to make this happen. MSG is a flavor enhancer that is very common in processed foods and is widely used in restaurants. Just remember that wholesome foods do not need the flavor enhanced.
7. Fortified with...
Many products have been fortified for years. Iodine is added to salt. Vitamins are added to flour and boxed cereals.
Yet, now this practice has spread to be more of an advertising gimmick than healthy eating. You can even get fortified water.
These products don't use natural source vitamins. That would be cost prohibitive. The best way to get your nutrients is through a balanced diet.
8. Enhanced with...
This would be replacing nutrients that had been lost during processing.
Ok, right there is a good sign that you could make the product healthier yourself.
When processing is so heavy so as to loose nutrients, replacing a select few leaves out trace nutrients that were also lost.
9. Made with whole wheat
100% whole wheat is your preferred wheat choice. However, the statement doesn't claim to be 100%. So other ingredients could have been used.
Check the label to be sure no flour or wheat flour is listed. In this case you would be not getting the value of a 100% whole wheat product. Wheat flour is another name for flour and is not whole wheat flour.
10. Kid approved
Great, kids like it. Now, read the label. My kids would have eaten almost anything that was fun and sweet. Do the ingredients pass your scrutiny?
Healthy eating requires a bit of an 'eagle eye'. You verify the marketing claims against what is printed on the label. With a bit of practice, you too, will find slogans that bring a chuckle to your day.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

FatLoss4Idiots lose 9 pounds every 11 days

The Fatloss4idiots diet has become one of the most successful diets on the market today. There is no doubt that this diet has been used successfully by thousands of people all around the world. It is also clear from the countless reviews and feedbacks, that people lost a lot of weight with this diet, whether as little as 15 pounds or as much as 75 pounds or more.

However, as much as I appreciate this diet, there are some things I dislike about Fatloss4idiots. I wanted to share them with you.

Here are the things I dislike about Fatloss4idiots:

1. The name - Fatloss4idiots is a funny name, but I didn't think it was funny when I saw it for the first time. It can even be insulting. Later, when I understood that the name signifies that this diet is so easy even an idiot can do it, my dislike for the name diminished. But I still think that they could've chosen another name.

2. The 9 pounds every 11 days fat loss promise - Fat Loss 4 Idiots promises that you will lose 9 pounds every 11 days of use. I don't like this promise because every person is different and loses weight at a different pace. Sure, some people do lose 9 pounds every 11 days, others do even better. But most of the people lose an average of 6 pounds every 11 days. This is still a great weight loss rate, so I think Fatloss4idiots could've done without the 9 pounds promise.

3. Lack of support - The biggest downside to Fatloss4idiots is that you don't have a support group with this diet. The reason is that it's so easy to use that you don't really need any support, but sometimes it's nice to read someone else feedback and get some more explanation.

I want to make one thing clear: Fat Loss 4 Idiots does work. The fact that there are 3 things I think they could've done better doesn't diminish the achievement of this diet.

Click Here!
to try it out

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tummy Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat!

Here are some great tummy exercises to reduce tummy fat and finally allow you to have a flat belly that is firm and sexy. If you want to lose belly fat, use the information I'm about to share with you. Reducing your waist size is easier than you think.
Tummy Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat
1. Overhead medicine ball throws
This is great for both men and women. I hope women who go to the gym at least give this one a try before saying it's not for them. What you do is take a medicine ball and lift it over your head with both hands on it. Then from that overhead position, throw it against a wall as hard as you can. Stand about 8 feet away from the wall. Pick up the ball and repeat for a total of 3-5 minutes non-stop.
You can send me an email telling me how much you love this exercise after you're done. Smile.
2. At home, use a weighted hula hoop
I have to tell you. I kinda sound like a broken record with this exercise. I tell my clients over and over to do this. Some of them just can't get over the fact that they think it's a kid's toy. IT'S NOT. Stop that thinking.
This is a tool for weight loss and sculpting your belly. The keys here are that you get a hula hoop that is weighted because it twirls around slower... thus it's easier to keep from falling to the ground too often. You can find a weighted hula hoop either online or at Wal-Mart. They cost about $15-20. Quite a good investment for something that'll last you years.
Specifics... just do 10-15 minutes a day with the hula hoop. How and when you do this, doesn't matter. Just have those 10-15 minutes done by the time you go to bed.
These are 2 really good tummy exercises to reduce tummy fat for those who are sick of wasting their time with crunches and situps.

Friday, August 3, 2012

P90x Nutrition guide Fitness plan

I’m posting this info. for Don who requested it, but it’s a good plan for anyone who’s got the desire to try. The P90X nutrition plan is as follows:

Phase I: Fat Shredder - Days 1-28

Phase II: Energy Booster - Days 29-56

Phase III: Endurance Maximizer - Days 57-90

Body Fat Range Targets

For Men: Fit - 14-17% Athlete - 10-13% Elite Athlete - 4-9%

For Women: Fit - 21-24% Athlete - 16-20% Elite Athlete - 12-15%

Measure Body Fat at start of program and at the end of each phase to measure progress

Determining Your Nutrition Level

1. Calculate your RMR
Your Body Weight x 10 = RMR
2. Calculate your Daily Activity Burn
RMR x 20% = DAB
3. Calculate your Energy Amount

Nutrition Level Chart
EA = 1800-2399 = Level I 1800 calories per day
EA = 2400-2999 = Level II 2400 calories per day
EA = 3000+ = Level III 3000 calories per day

Macronutrient Goals in Each Phase
Phase I - Protein 50%, Carbs 30%, Fat 20%
Phase II - Protein 40%, Carbs 40%, Fat 20%
Phase III - Protein 20%, Carbs 60%, Fat 20%

Customizing the Phases
Phase I - Can be extended if you feel you need to drop more body fat, but still have enough energy to do workouts. Can be shortened if your body fat is already low or you aren’t getting enough energy for workouts.
Phase II - Can be extended if you feel you are doing well in this phase and want to keep going.
Phase III - Optional phase for those who really want to push to the limit. It is recommended, however, that everyone try this phase at some point.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Learn More about Dark and Milk Chocolate

You have already read about the benefits of Dark Chocolate well I have found out that researchers suggests that the proteins in the milk in "Milk Chocolate" bind the antioxidants, making them less easily absorbed by the body. So all you "Chocolate Lovers" take heed that it's important to keep in mind that you can consume a majority of these antioxidants benefits from blueberries, apples and grapes and most vegetables including broccoli, greens and onions.
So if you really love chocolate than these common sense tips can help you indulge safely:
* Restrict your intake to dark organic chocolate which contain the most flavonols and avoid dangerous processing procedures * The best would be raw cocoa which is relatively bitter because it has no sugar in it
* Consume chocolate in moderation
* Hold off on chocolate if you are struggling with a serious disease---remember that all chocolate contains lots of sugar, which depresses your immune system.
So I thank you for reading my article and watch for more information about nutrients in food and their benefits to your health.

Research about chocolate and eat in moderation. Visit libraries, book stores and any other retail store where they sell books to gain more knowledge about chocolate and their benifits to the human body.

Chocolate comes in various forms so look at labels for contents and how many grams of sodium, fat and sugar etc,.

If you have a serious illness like blood pressure the sodium content can give you higher blood pressure, increase your cholesterol or raise your sugar-glucose,so read and find out it worth your time and effort.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to Add Healthy Things To Your Food

Add good things to your food no matter what you are eating. Just try to counter act it with something healthy for you

1 Fruits can be prepared in so many different dishes, whether that be in the main course or desserts.

If you have to have a bowl of ice cream, why not add bananas to it. It taste great and at least you will not just be eating ice cream.

Protein shakes are also a good substitute for regular shakes. They may not taste AS good, but they are still better for you and hopefully kill that sweet tooth.

Chocolate fondues are great place to add fruit as well. Dip banana's, strawberry's, cherry's, etc into the fondue.

Any candy or sweet you feel like you have to have, why not get the low fat version. Most ice cream offers a less fat version of the original. They are still tasty and because it has less fat, you can eat even more.

Weightloss Enlightenment Copyright © 2012