Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Glutathione And Memory

What is the significance of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) and memory?
What about antioxidants alpha lipoic acid and N-acetylcysteine (NAC)?
Well, scientific studies have proven that stress (environmental, physical from illness,injury) can lead to memory deficits and this provides evidence for the therapeutic role for antioxidants such as glutathione, alpha lipoic acid and n-acetylcysteine (NAC).
Your memory is the activity of your brain that recalls information you have learned or experienced. This complex process involves many different parts of the brain.
Believe it or not, you begin losing a few brain cells at a time in your 20's. Your body also makes less of the chemical messengers that help make the connections. The normal aging process therefore affects memory by changing the way your brain handles information making it harder to recall.
What is normal: your short-term and remote memories aren't usually affected by aging. But your recent memory may be affected. For example, you may forget names of people you've met recently.
Areas of concern:
1. Forgetting things much more often than you used to
2. Forgetting how to do things you've done many times before
3. Trouble learning new things
4. Repeating phrases or stories in the same conversation
5. Trouble making choices or handling money
6. Not being able to keep track of what happens each day
Whenever there is any question see your doctor to be sure it is nothing more than the normal aging process.
Here are some strategies can you start NOW to help you keep your memory as sharp as possible so that you can have the quality of life that you deserve:
1. Exercise daily to increase the circulation to your brain. An active lifestyle can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease which can lead to memory loss;
2. Stress management to control cortisol the hormone that can damage certain portions of your brain;
3. Restful sleep;
4. No smoking: constricts arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain;
5. Nutrition: see below.
You probably know already that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and "healthy" fats will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. Research indicates that certain nutrients nurture and stimulate brain function:
1. B vitamins, especially B6, B12, and folic acid: Protects nerve cells. They're also involved in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen. (Best sources: spinach and other dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, melons, black beans and other legumes, citrus fruits, soybeans.)
2. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E, and beta carotene: Antioxidants also improve the flow of oxygen through the body and brain. (Best sources: blueberries and other berries, sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, green tea, nuts and seeds, citrus fruits, liver.)
3. Omega-3 fatty acids: They count as "healthy" fats, as opposed to saturated fats and trans fats, protecting against inflammation and high cholesterol. (Best sources: cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, tuna, halibut, and mackerel; walnuts and walnut oil; flaxseed and flaxseed oil)
4. Glutathione, Alpa lipoic acid, NAC: Scientific studies have shown us that these antioxidants are vital to the thinking brain and provide evidence for a possible therapeutic role for these antioxidants.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Using Aerobics For Better Abs

The fact is that we all think doing crunches will decrease that stomach fat. With the warmer weather just around the corner, we all start to look at our bellies. It seems that aerobics are a good way to burn that fat because you are working so hard that your body will be using those fat reserves for energy. You actually need to incorporate aerobic exercise a couple of times a week for success. This would include walking, dancing, cycling, rowing, or swimming for at least 30 minutes. Aerobics work by increasing oxygen to the muscles and allows them to work longer. The best aerobic exercise for losing that stomach fat is walking. If you can walk at a pace to work up a sweat, then you are on your way to a flatter stomach.
Remember to give your abs a rest. You should not be working your abs every day because they need time to repair. Your muscles actually get micro tears when you work them so every other day is sufficient and safe. The abs are hard to work because it takes a lot of effort to actually move them. They bulge when they are relaxed and stretch thin when flexed. The term "core" is used to describe that middle section of your body. A good way to incorporate a workout is to use a fitness ball. Along with working out and aerobic exercise you should eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.
One thing to remember when working out is to not overdue it. Here are some tips:
-You should be able to talk and exercise at the same time.
-However, if you can sing, you need to work a little bit harder.
You can monitor your heart rate and try to reach your targeted range. As you continue to work out, your heart rate should decrease, meaning you are getting in shape!
So I hope we have learned that it takes more than repetitive crunches to get a flatter stomach. You actually have to incorporate some aerobic exercises into your regular routine. Aerobic exercises will target those specific areas of fat and use them up, thus decreasing your body fat. It is even harder for women because so many things can affect their abdominal region, including hormones. Hopefully, if you follow some simple tips and incorporate aerobics into your workout, you will find that you can shrink that pouch around your stomach area.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Truth About Red Wine and Heart Disease

Red Wine, Heart Disease, Hungry Sharks and Knights in Shining Armor
What is so special about wine? What is it that makes it potentially more protective against coronary heart disease, and perhaps other diseases, that other forms of alcohol?
In recent years, scientists have concluded without doubt that many human diseases such as heart disease, cancer and the aging process is caused or stimulated by a ravenous group of chemicals called free radicals, that act like hungry sharks. These highly charged little villains prowl the body and attack healthy cell membranes through a process that is called oxidation. In this scenario, there is however a knight in shining armor that jumps to the rescue and purges these ever hungry little killers. The name of our crusader is antioxidants.
Without getting too technical, the oxidation process in our bodies is crucial for health, without it, for instance, we would not be able to extract energy from our food. But if there are too many free radicals in our bodies this can be harmful.
Our body has its own defenses against free radicals, in the form of enzymes that are able to turn the hungry little sharks into harmless water. However, sometimes our body’s natural defense mechanisms can’t cope. Other times, external events can cause huge increases of free radicals within our bodies, such as x-rays, cigarette smoke and exposure to toxic substances. At times, this surge of free radicals can swamp our defenses and illnesses such as radiation sickness may take place.
So what does oxidation and free radicals have to do with heart disease?
Low density lipoproteins, commonly know as “bad” LDL, can penetrate and gather against the inner walls of our arteries, under certain conditions, forming fatty streaks and plaque. Taken alone, LDL particles aren’t so dangerous it seems, however, when attacked by free radicals they turn into dangerous and somewhat aggressive cells, capable of actually penetrating and harming the smooth inner walls of our arteries. This process is called oxidation. Oxidized LDL is known to be the culprit in stimulating atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.
Antioxidants, as the name suggests (anti-oxidants) can help stop the oxidation process, which are the results of free radicals doing their stuff. Most antioxidant research has been carried out on vitamins (A, E, beta carotene) but quite a lot of work has also been done on the healthy benefits of red wine. While most research on red wine has been done in relation to coronary heart disease, it seems that the benefits of wine don’t stop there.
Red wine and Coronary Heart Disease
Red wine contains a wide range of flavanoids; these are the chemicals that give the wine its particular taste and character, making one different from another. Many of these flavanoids act like antioxidants. Perhaps the forerunner of wine research was carried out by a certain Serge Renaud, who discovered the French Paradox, which suggested that wine was the decisive factor in protecting the people in southern France from their very high fat diets and ultimately coronary heart disease. Even if these people do eat large quantities of high fat cheese, pâté, and salami they have some of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world.
Another study, statistical rather than practical, by a Professor Grey of the University of Bern in Switzerland focused on the low, medium and high coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality figures of the World Health Organization.
What did he find? Well from among the high mortality areas were Finland and Scotland, the middle areas included Ireland, and the low CHD areas included Spain, Italy and France. He then compared heart attack rates with antioxidant levels in blood samples taken from men living in those areas.
Vitamin E and Heart Disease
What he found was very interesting, the results showed that high antioxidant levels, in particular vitamin E, coincided with low death rates of heart disease. Moreover, his results showed that vitamin E levels were 94% more accurate in predicting CHD rates than were cholesterol levels or blood pressure figures! Apart from diet, the high CHD regions drink very little, if any wine, whereas the low regions traditionally accompany their meals most days with wine.
It certainly seems strange that two much studied cities; Glasgow in Scotland and Toulouse in France show many similarities and yet many differences. The inhabitants of both cities eat tremendous amounts of high fat foods, traditionally take little exercise and drink alcohol. The surprising difference is that while the people of Glasgow have one of the highest rates of CHD in the world, the fortunate people of Toulouse have one of the lowest. Traditionally beer and spirits are the preferred drinks in Glasgow, while the folks in Toulouse drink red wine.
It has also been suggested that drinking in moderation together with meals is beneficial, while binge drinking at bars in the evening is harmful. It seems the southern Europeans don’t drink for the alcohol buzz, but just as a pleasant accompaniment to their meals.
At first the large heart institutions such as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association ignored both antioxidants and frowned upon wine. While it is clear that it could be potentially dangerous for a physician to recommend his patients start drinking alcohol, it is also strange that they pretended for so many years to ignore the evidence. Well, now even if they don’t promote the taking of vitamin pills; antioxidants and free radicals are now recognized. However, according to the AHA “There is no scientific proof that drinking wine or any other alcoholic beverage can replace conventional measures. No direct comparison trials have been done to determine the specific effect of wine or other alcohol on the risk of developing heart disease or stroke. Just ask yourself who would pay for such studies. Clinical Trials have the purpose of showing one thing to be better than another, or whether a certain substance is beneficial to health. The costs of clinical trials is so high that only the pharmaceutical industry have the financial clout to invest in them – invest is the correct word. What a surprise.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Powerful Anti-Aging Secrets!

Many people have searched the world over looking for the fountain of youth. We all long for eternal beauty, free of wrinkles or the sagging of age. To answer this yearning, the market has been bombarded with creams and serums boasting the secrets of anti aging. Anti aging has become a market in itself and we have answered the call, purchasing our fill or at least the fill of our pocketbooks! However, perhaps the answer does not lie in a miracle lotion or cream, but in the life we live before we reach our advanced years.
Do not misunderstand, I am not suggesting we will forever be free from wrinkles if we live properly – at some point our skin will sag and we will show our age. Instead, I am suggesting our society is always looking for the quick fixes. To lose weight, we look for a miracle pill instead of eating right and exercising. On the same note, instead of eating properly and caring for ourselves, we look for the easy way out – something to rub on our faces to remove the evidence of the life we have chosen to live, or even worse, surgery to cut away and stretch out the skin we have chosen to disregard for so long.
On the other hand, why don’t we accept the creases that line our faces as trophies we have earned with the years we have endured on this Earth? Why is the exploration in search of anti aging so much more popular than the search for self-acceptance?
At the end of the day, when our eyes close for the final time, will it matter how many wrinkles line our faces, how tight our stomach muscles are, or the amount of gray in our hair? Will the pursuit of anti aging be a factor when age ceases to exist? Of course not. Perhaps we should spend our lives pursuing something that may actually proceeds us in death, instead of that which fades with lost memories.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Running for Success

Though it may not seem like it when we’re drenched in sweat and our legs feel like lead, marathon running is as mental as physical. When we’re exhausted, continuing consists of mind over matter. This takes enormous mental power. Once developed, this skill can be transferred from the racetrack to the boardroom.
Training for a marathon is an ideal place to improve the skills needed to achieve success in business: strategy, clear objectives, and a positive attitude. These techniques are also crucial to completing a marathon. Without them, even the most fanatically fit athlete is doomed to fail. Through physical training we can develop and master these skills.
In business, investment and marathon, a well-planned strategy is essential. In each situation, we must commit to our plan, yet be willing to adapt it if it isn’t working. Though strategy can be complex or simple, with our first marathon it’s best to choose the latter. Simplification is a great way to remove self-imposed pressure. This can mean concentrating on maintaining a steady heart rate or pace. We need to do this during both training and our marathon, since sustaining this relaxed-focus helps remove the barrier of performance anxiety.
The strategy of shifting attention to our body’s sensations is called association, and it’s a tactic used by many elite athletes. The self-focused introvert may find this more comfortable than directing attention outside. The outgoing extrovert, however, may be more suited to the disassociation technique. This involves turning our awareness outward. According to a report published in The Journal of Sports Psychology: “ Considerable evidence exists to link disassociation strategies with increased pain tolerance during endurance tasks.” Disassociation may also useful during a dull seminar, or an extended visit from our mother-in-law.
Just as business meetings have objectives, so should your marathon training. Whatever your personal goal, it needs to be specific, measurable, and reasonable. Similar to our professional life, these can be accomplished by choosing to focus on either the process or the outcome. In our business life a process goal would be improving our customer relation skills, while an outcome goal would be making X amount more dollars. For your first marathon, process goals are better. Since meeting them may be as simple as adhering to our training schedule, they guarantee success. As we all know, success produces self-confidence. Developing this gives us courage to challenge ourselves to achieve greater victories. Outcome goals, like beating a rival, are more risky. Since external factors can interfere with them, they are harder to succeed at.
Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial to accomplishment. Without belief in eventual success, we’ll quit at the slightest obstacle. This is true both in career and running. Everyday, marathon training teaches us persistence through discomfort. This is essential. Without challenging ourselves we can never progress to higher success. Besides the things we tell ourselves, a positive attitude also includes motivating inner images.
Many superior athletes use mental imagery, or guided visualization. These include Marion Clignet, 1996 and 2000 silver medallist on the French cycling team, and 6 times Masters winner Jack Nicklaus. Medical experts have also tested this method. A recent article published in the Journal of Sports Science states: “The power of mental imagery in sport performance has been widely noted. Keep your thinking and mental rehearsing of your upcoming races positive and it may contribute to new personal records.”
The importance of mental imagery is also noted in Olympic runner Jeff Galloway’s Marathon: You Can Do It. In this book, Galloway encourages us to rehearse parts of our marathon every day. He says that this will help us prepare for and find solutions to problems we may encounter and help us “tough it out.” This strength doesn’t end in out legs and lungs. Finishing a marathon makes us more tenacious, helping us bring home “the gold” in business.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fast Food & Junk Food Effects

People are getting busier no matter how old you are and who you are. You can even see a 5 years old kid will have a schedule for tuition's, leaning music instruments, swimming classes in some countries, while some adults will be drowning in their jobs to make ends meet. Connected to this matter, fast food restaurants will be exactly blissful in doing their business. People tend to settle their meals by consuming fast food to save time. Let's us see some points that might make you draw back from fast food and junk food.
The first issue that we definitely cannot put it aside is obesity. A burger in fast food restaurant basically contains more than 1000Kj of calories, while that's exceeding half of our body needs for a day! I won't believe that you will just have a burger in you right hand without a cup of vanilla coke in your left hand. Where do you think these extra calories will go inside your body? They will change to become fats in your abdomen and that's what you usually can see down the street there are uncountable fast food lovers with a fat-bellied. Well, you might love that if it's not on your body.
Obesity not only makes you dare not to stand in front of a mirror, it's not just simply an eyesore to the public as well. In fact, obesity is the major cause for some chronic diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and many other types of cancers. This explains why the age group of people in getting chronic diseases is showing wider range nowadays. Who wants to go on long term medications and run in and out to the hospital forever? In this case, you always have the choice to choose the way you want.
Not to mention that our brain is the organ in affecting how we think and move. Fast food and junk food are very low in nutrients; instead they are full with colorings, flavors and preservatives. You won't want to know how the unhealthy ingredients could lead to some severe mental disorders. Researches have shown that junk food might cause dyslexia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and worse is autism. An individual's mood and attention are highly influenced by the food taken, which means it will affect your concentration in school. For the parents out there, you won't want your children to be called as stupid in school, don't you?
Does that mean you can't have fast food and junk food at all? It is not necessary so. You just need to reduce the amount and frequency of having them in your diet. To begin with, you could bring your home-cooked food to your school or workplace. Of course, bacon, sausages and canned foods should not be your choices. Try some fresh foods and vegetables. You still can have your favorite fast food not too often; with the condition you drink a lot of water and exercise regularly.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Truth About Dr Oz Extreme Life Extension - Burn 700 Calories Without Exercise & Diet to Live Longer

Dr. Oz Now Discusses about Extreme Life Extension, talking about possibly living to be 120 or even 150. Well, if you're living Oprah's life, of course you would want to live to be 150. But if you busted your back at work 12 hours a day, would you rather finish the line at a normal age? Anyways, for most of us, we want to live longer.
Calorie Restriction
There's a man in Oprah's audience whom Dr. Mehmet Oz says may become the first man in history to live to be 150 years old, and that is Joe Cordell. He is one of thousands around the world who believe they have found the key to extreme longevity, which is calorie restriction. He believes that by eating less and restricting your caloric intake, you can trigger a genetic switch that will slow aging. Joe does not deprive himself of food, but instead, he fills up on natural fruits, lean proteins, and vegetables which are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.
Burn 700 calories without Exercising
When they say you can burn up to 700 calories without doing anything, they are referring to Infrared Sauna Therapy. The sauna that was shown on the show appears to be Sunlight Saunas. They are the leading manufacturer of infrared saunas, and they are not cheap. They are the only ones that have clinical results that show increase in core body temperature, reduction in blood pressure, and assistance in weight loss. This is why Sunlight Saunas are used and recommended by more healthy professionals. You also need to think over and over if you plan to have this infrared sauna.
David Murdock's Diet & Fitness Routine
David is 85 years old, but he can do 50 push-ups without a break. He usually starts his day with cardio and weight training, and he also says that the secret to his longevity is what he eats. Now what does he eat? Fruits & Vegetables, exclusively, and he does not eat saturated fat, nor does he count calories. Through this diet, he also does not have a flu or a cold for 20 years. Now that is amazing, and he does not even take any pills.
High-Tech & Advanced Ways to Extend Your Life
There are numerous advances in science and technology, and Dr. Oz says people will one day be able to live healthier & longer lives. Wake Forest University is home to one of the country's foremost tissue regeneration labs, and these technologies can add decades to your life. Let's look at regenerative medicine. Dr. Anthony Atala of Wake Forest's program says his team is working to create tissues, cells, and organs for those who need them. Today, we have a limited time span because our organs are breaking down because of aging and other factors, but imagine in the future when you can easily replace these organs with a new one easily. This is very possible. Atala's researchers have grown a number of different types of body parts, including bones, muscles, and even a heart valve which works.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lower Your Cholesterol Level - The Difference Between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol

We all nowadays know the importance of trying to reduce cholesterol and many of us actively take steps to achieve a lower cholesterol level in our blood. I am frequently asked the question: "what is the difference between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol?"
So what is HDL cholesterol? (the good cholesterol) and what is ldl cholesterol? (the bad cholesterol). Read on and find out. Cholesterol circulates in our blood attached to a protein called a lipoprotein. There are two basic types of lipoprotein. High density lipoprotein (HDL) or low density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL is usually labeled as "good cholesterol" because the molecule is mostly protein and does not carry a high quantity of free fat along with it.
LDL on the other hand is a molecule that only has a small amount of protein and for the most part is made of of freely available and very easily dissolved cholesterol fat. LDL is often referred to as "bad cholesterol."
If you have a lot of good cholesterol or HDL in your system then your heart will be quite well protected from the effects of fat. If you have a lot of LDL - or bad cholesterol - then you will be at greater risk of heart attack or stroke. This information has now been shown to be correct in countless medical studies throughout the world.
If you are having a cholesterol check or cholesterol blood test then your doctor will look at your blood test result and check the level of the Total Cholesterol count. He or she will then examine the count for the level of the good cholesterol or HDL. The ratio of the total cholesterol divided by the HDL level is thought to be a reflection of the "true cholesterol level" in your blood and as such is a good predictor of future heart attack or stroke problems.
For example - a total cholesterol count of 6.0 and an HDL count of 1.5 will give a ratio of 4.0. This is a healthy level and will usually indicate good cardiovascular health. A total count of 6.0 and an HDL count of 0.5 will give a ratio of 12.0: very bad news indeed from the point of view of stroke and heart attack risk.
(Note - these are UK values for typical results - US values will be different but the ratios will be the same: the UK and the US use different units to measure cholesterol levels.)
If you have a high cholesterol then get focused and take steps to change your lifestyle now. If you don't know what your cholesterol level is then make plans to speak to your doctor about whether you need it checked or not.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lose Pounds - 2 Simple and Cheap Ways That I Was Able to Lose Pounds, All 47 of Them

eople are getting busier no matter how old you are and who you are. You can even see a 5 years old kid will have a schedule for tuition's, leaning music instruments, swimming classes in some countries, while some adults will be drowning in their jobs to make ends meet. Connected to this matter, fast food restaurants will be exactly blissful in doing their business. People tend to settle their meals by consuming fast food to save time. Let's us see some points that might make you draw back from fast food and junk food.
The first issue that we definitely cannot put it aside is obesity. A burger in fast food restaurant basically contains more than 1000Kj of calories, while that's exceeding half of our body needs for a day! I won't believe that you will just have a burger in you right hand without a cup of vanilla coke in your left hand. Where do you think these extra calories will go inside your body? They will change to become fats in your abdomen and that's what you usually can see down the street there are uncountable fast food lovers with a fat-bellied. Well, you might love that if it's not on your body.
Obesity not only makes you dare not to stand in front of a mirror, it's not just simply an eyesore to the public as well. In fact, obesity is the major cause for some chronic diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and many other types of cancers. This explains why the age group of people in getting chronic diseases is showing wider range nowadays. Who wants to go on long term medications and run in and out to the hospital forever? In this case, you always have the choice to choose the way you want.
Not to mention that our brain is the organ in affecting how we think and move. Fast food and junk food are very low in nutrients; instead they are full with colorings, flavors and preservatives. You won't want to know how the unhealthy ingredients could lead to some severe mental disorders. Researches have shown that junk food might cause dyslexia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and worse is autism. An individual's mood and attention are highly influenced by the food taken, which means it will affect your concentration in school. For the parents out there, you won't want your children to be called as stupid in school, don't you?
Does that mean you can't have fast food and junk food at all? It is not necessary so. You just need to reduce the amount and frequency of having them in your diet. To begin with, you could bring your home-cooked food to your school or workplace. Of course, bacon, sausages and canned foods should not be your choices. Try some fresh foods and vegetables. You still can have your favorite fast food not too often; with the condition you drink a lot of water and exercise regularly.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Click Here!To try fat loss 4 idiots
Fat Loss 4 idiots or the idiot proof diet details various reasons why most diets are not effective. The main point is that when you are on a diet, you are supposed burn more calories than what you take in. However, your metabolism adjusts to the amount of calories you consume. When this happens your metabolism slows down and that's when you stop losing weight. Fat Loss 4 Idiots asserts that the answer to this problem is calorie shifting.
By rotating your protein and carbs intake everyday, your body's metabolism increases and this, according to Fat Loss for Idiots, will help you lose weight faster. With a combination of perfect carb and protein, you are allowed to eat four times a day with this diet. This process corrects and regulates your fat burning hormones, thereby helping you quickly and safely lose weight. This ingenious technique is known as the calorie shifting method.
Click Here!To try fat loss 4 idiots
Weight loss for idiots is where I first started looking for an easy way to lose weight because I became a fat body. My search lead me to Fat loss 4 idiots, which as it turned out was perfect for me. Fat loss for idiots claims you can lose more weight by eating more often. It can also be done in a very simple step by step process.
Click Here!To try fat loss 4 idiots
The results of weight loss 4 idiots is so tremendous that I lost 7 lbs in just 11 days, the promise was I would lose 9 lbs but the 7 in 11 days result is a huge start. After another 11 day cycle, I lost 6 lbs more. So in 22 days, I lost 13 pounds, which may not be the accurate amount of weight I should have lost in their advertisement, but that's 13 pounds!
Where most diet plans fail is the fact they dont understand how the metabolism works. Fat Loss 4 Idiots uses basic metabolism facts to develop a solution to the diet problem. You see your metabolism has a memory, but it doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day. Logically, your metabolism only burns calories based on the meals you've had in the past. Weight Loss for Idiots uses this mechanism to come up with the effective diet plan known as calorie shifting method.
Weight Loss 4 Idiots shocks your metabolism by doing something you've never tried before. With Weight Loss 4 Idiots, you don't eat the same meals with the same calorie content for a couple of days. Through this, your metabolism no longer has a pattern to follow so it forced to burn more calories efficiently. This article is not an inclusive fat loss 4 idiots review but I hope it answered some questions about the diet program.

Click Here!To try fat loss 4 idiots

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How Good Is Your Health?

It is a question we must ask ourselves continually if we want to live a healthy life. Your health is your most prized possession. Without good health your whole life suffers.
When was the last time you really thought about your health? Last week last month or maybe never it is something we must consider. When it comes to our health we takes a lot of things for granted. We take better care of our cars than we do our own bodies. That car is replaceable your body is not.
It is not enough just to eat good foods and exercise anymore. They are important, but clearly not the whole equation. How many stories have we heard of athletes dying suddenly? Athletes are supposed to be the epitome of good health!
Our bodies are bombarded daily with innumerable microbes and toxins that continually try to destroy our health. We continue to hear news reports of some virus that cannot be killed with antibiotics. Question: what are we to do? Answer: boost our immune systems.
Our day-to-day survival depends on the state of our immune systems. Poor nutrition, stress, exposure to toxins etc., all hurt immune function. New research strongly suggests that undetected microbes can live in the body for years causing everything from heart disease to obesity.
In 1949, while conducting research on tuberculosis, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence discovered a means of “transferring” an immune system response from a healthy person to a person who is weak or infected. These “transfer factors” (the term coined by Dr. Sherwood) use white blood cell extracts as transporters for positive immune responses.
Dr. Lawrence’s discovery of transfer factor science has been hailed as “one of the most important medical breakthroughs of the past half century.” So, why have few people heard about it? In 1950, antibiotics were introduced and pharmacology gained new prominence in battling disease, triumphing in both the popular media and the scientific communities.
Researchers have continued to test and explore Lawrence’s discovery. 4Life Research participates in this ongoing scientific research, the result of which is the 4Life Research patent of its Transfer Factor product and process.
In conclusion, it is very evident that good eating habits and exercise is not enough if we plan to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We must continually boost our immune systems to enjoy a long and healthy life.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lose Stomach Fat!

When it comes to losing stomach fat it is best to have a strategy. I say this because the stomach can be an extremely tricky place to shed unwanted pounds. The stomach tends to be one of the last places the weight comes off when you're burning calories through exercise. In this article I will show you how to lose overall body weight and a way to target your belly fat specifically.
If you are looking to lose stomach fat, improving your diet is a good place to start. Not all of us are health nuts that can handle eating tofu and rice cakes all day. I know I can't, but we could definitely cut out some of the junk meals and snacks that we all enjoy. This does not mean we cannot indulge in the foods we love, it just means we have them in moderation. Did you know that people with a higher metabolism burn fat more efficiently? What if I told you that you can increase your metabolism by eating smaller portions every 2-3 hours rather than gorging yourselves with three large traditional meals? Doing this keeps a constant flow of nutrients to our bodies thus making it easier to burn fat.
Exercise would be another thing to focus on when trying to lose stomach fat. The results may not be immediate, but the weight will eventually come off. I recommend everyone should get at least 30 minutes of good aerobic exercise, 4-5 times per week. This could be as simple as a jog, a bike ride, or even a brisk walk. In order to burn fat we must burn the daily calories we take in plus the calories stored in our fat cells.
If you have a specific area that you would like to target such as stomach fat, I've found that body wraps can be a very efficient solution. What is nice about body wraps are that you can target a certain area where you are having trouble achieving your desired results. The applications only take about one hour and they are quickly becoming very popular within the weight loss community. These body wraps not only break down the fat in your cells but also aid in detoxifying your system which is utterly essential when trying to lose stomach fat.
If you can find a way to incorporate these items we've discussed into a healthy diet regimen, you will surely lose that unwanted stomach fat in no time flat.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Effective Weight Loss

With so many weight loss scams out there it seems impossible to find an effective weight loss treatment. I have helped many people attain maximum weight loss results with a simple routine. If you are seeking an easy effective weight loss treatment look no further.
Changing Our Eating Habits
Watch what you eat. Try to eat smaller portions of healthier food five to six times per day rather than gorging on the three traditional meals that we are accustomed to. By changing our eating habits this will in turn raise our metabolism by keeping a constant flow of nutrients to our systems. This makes it simpler for our bodies to burn this unwanted fat. Steering away from sweets and replacing them with fruits and vegetables is a great start. Effective weight loss starts with a healthy diet.
Daily Exercise
I can't tell you how important exercise is. To lose weight our bodies need to burn calories stored in our fat cell's. Exercising burns calories which in turns makes us lose weight. It can be as simple as going for a brisk walk, jog, or swim. Anything you can do to get your heart rate up is great. Strength training is very useful in our quest to burn fat. Weight lifting can keep burning calories hours after the actual training session.
Detoxifying Our System
Detoxifying our systems is one of the key steps in losing weight that most of us are unaware of. Everyday our bodies are exposed to harmful toxins. We are exposed to these toxins by the air we breathe, foods we eat, and activities we partake in. Drinking plenty of water helps flush our systems. Some other great ways to rid our bodies of these toxins are body wraps and colon cleansers. Cleansing our systems properly is essential for effective weight loss.
Effective weight loss results can be attained by implementing the steps we've discussed into our lives. You will be amazed at how much better you will look and feel in no time.

Weightloss Enlightenment Copyright © 2012